If you neglect to choose a tax structure for your LLC, the IRS will choose one that may not be in your best interest.
Read more →So starting this year, go to your association convention and take the family. A lot of the trip can be LLC tax write offs. Buy computers for your use as a professional at home. When you buy paper, pens, pencils, or other supplies they can be write offs for your LLC, if they go to the office.
Keep track of car mileage and do everything you can to run money through your company. Find all the possible ways you can charge off business expenses to your own LLC, and do it! It isn’t how much money you make. It is how well you live and how secure you are.
Read more →Generally, if you are the only member of your LLC and you have not filed a tax election, you do not have to file a special tax return. For tax purposes, you will file the LLC’s income on your own federal tax return. Your LLC is an ignored or “disregarded” entity. This means that you will report your LLC income and expenses on your own Form 1040, Schedule C, E, or F. Your income is passed through your LLC directly to you. Remember this is only for tax purposes. It does not change the fact that your business is legally a Limited Liability Company.
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